As the demand for high-acuity community-based services increases, and with the increasing pressures with delayed transfers of care, we can work flexibly and efficiently to find long and short-term solutions for your complex care placements.
To ensure our home is the right fit for the individual, we work closely with them, their loved ones and professionals throughout the referral, assessment and admission process.
Upon making a referral, our Clinical Assessors can often do an assessment within 48 hours.
To make a referral:
Call: 01709 565777
Fill in our online form
The referral process
After making a referral, a Clinical Assessor will carry out a care needs and community fit assessment.
If suitable, we’ll submit a formal assessment report and costing.
We’ll work with the individual, their family, commissioners and clinicians to agree their goals and write a care plan that’s tailored to their needs and goals.
We’ll regularly review people’s outcomes and if suitable, explore their options for discharge into the community or lower acuity settings.
Our care is completely person-centred. We don’t operate with a ‘one size fits all base’ costing fee or ‘core’ fees.
We start each assessment with zero hours and build in all time required to meet the person’s needs.
If you can’t find what you’re looking for, here are some of the frequently asked questions we get asked.
If you’ve received a costing report from us and need some help understanding it, download our short ‘Understanding your costing report’ guide.
What’s your assessment process?
Upon referral, one of our clinicians will do an initial assessment.
If we feel that we can provide the right care for the individual, we carry out a robust clinical assessment as well as a community fit assessment to ensure they’re suitable for our existing communities and input from our clinical experts.
Our detailed costing report outlines the support required to enable people to achieve their goals.
We aim to provide this report within five days of assessment.
However, due to the complexity of the people we support, it may take longer.
Our priority is to ensure a thorough and detailed assessment to reduce the risk of the placement failing.
What do you assess?
During the assessment, we assess over 15 domains of care that are based on the NHS continuing healthcare decision support tool.
For each domain, we consider what interventions are required, how long and often each intervention is required for and how many/which staff are needed to deliver it e.g. care, qualified or therapy.
We take into consideration input from the individual, family and professionals from the current placement.
Skin and tissue viability
Drug therapies
Altered state of consciousness
Professional intervention
Clinical support
Social support
Other significant needs
Can you take urgent admissions?
With increasing pressure on local health and care systems, we can work with local stakeholders to do an assessment within 24-48 hours for emergency and urgent admissions, where it’s suitable to do so and in exceptional circumstances, such as if a placement is closing down or if notice has been served.
Please note, due to the complexity of the people we support, this will often take longer.
However, we’ll make every effort to ensure people can access the care they need, as quickly as possible.
Is the fee negotiable?
The detailed and thorough assessment process identifies all of the care and support required to meet people’s complex care and health needs.
This ensures they get the right care, from the right team, the first time round. With this approach, we aim to stop the cycle of failed placements.
The weekly fee covers the interventions required as identified in the assessment.
The only way to reduce the fee is to reduce care needs. However, our priority is always to ensure people get the care they need, to reduce the risk of the placement breaking down.
How soon do you review the costing after admission?
We review all costings after six weeks of admission or at any point that needs change. This provides a ‘settling in’ period and stability for the person.
We carry out a further review annually or at any point that needs change.
If we identify a change in care needs and subsequent costing, we’ll communicate this with you.
How often do you review people’s care needs?
Our in-home care and nursing teams continually monitor people’s care as they provide it.
The person’s allocated Nurse completes a formal monthly review of their care profile.
If this review indicates a change in care needs, we’ll also review the weekly cost of care.
When we re-assess, we always leave the person’s original assessment information in the report, so you can clearly see changes and progress.
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