Together with loved ones and professionals, we design a care profile that’s tailored to individual needs and goals.
The My Exemplar Care Profile includes robust care planning and risk assessment for over 15 care and health domains.
Legal matters
Mental capacity
Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards
Mental health and wellbeing
Care plans for mental health and wellbeing, cognition, DoLS and observation
Risk screening and assessment
Active support plan
Individual activity plan
Social activities interest checklist
Safe environment
Care plan for safe environment
Risk assessment for safe smoking (if relevant)
Risk assessment for the use of emolient creams (if relevant)
Care plan for communication
DisDAT assessment tool
Care plan for mobilisation
Risk assessments for bed rails, contractures and falls
Moving and handling assessment
Splint application record and checklist (if relevant)
Hygiene and elimination
Care plan for hygiene and elimination
Continence assessment and chart
Monthly mouth care assessment
NHS England catheter passport (if relevant)
Diet and fluids
Care plan for diet and fluids
Catheter PEG RIG BGT button change record (if relevant)
Enteral feeding record (if relevant)
Gastrostomy and jejunostomy balloon check record (if relevant)
Screening for adults at risk of choking
Care plan for breathing
Cough assist monitoring record (if relevant)
CPAP daily and weekly cleaning schedule (if relevant)
Emergency trachoestomy box daily checklist (if relevant)
Pulse oximeter record (if relevant)
Suction maintenance record (if relevant)
Tracheal and oral suction record (if relevant)
Tracheostomy tube change record (if relevant)
Ventilation prescription chart (if relevant)
Altered state of consciousness
Care plan for altered state of consciousness and temperature control
Neurological observation chart
Skin integrity
Care plans for skin integrity and wounds
Bed mattress audit and check
Waterlow assessment record
Care plan for medication
Alteration of medicines form
Self medication assessment and review
Care plan for sleep
Death and dying
Care plan for death and dying
Syringe driver monitoring record
Other – acute, occupational therapy and physiotherapy
Occupational therapy
Assessing and managing risk
As part of our individual care packages, we identify any risks associated with people’s conditions and complexities, such as behaviours of concern, falls and choking.
We take actions to reduce them in the least restrictive way.
Our approach to risk management ensures that people can enjoy their lives safely and are protected from harm.
We put people at the centre of risk assessment and management. We support people to take positive, well-calculated and managed risks to help them retain their independence as much as possible.
We upskill our colleagues so they have the knowledge and skills to be able to quickly respond to the needs of the people we support and reduce the risk of harm.

Planning Alternative Tomorrows with Hope (PATH)
PATH is a tool that helps people to work out the actions that need to be taken to make their goals and dreams happen.
Through person-centred planning meetings, we support people to develop an achievable and realistic goal for the future based on ‘the dream’ and create a step-by-step path to achieving it.
We use a range of activities to:
explore the person’s dreams
imagine the possible achievements over the next few years
compare the goal to how life us now
identify who can help the person achieve their goal and what strengths they need to build on e.g. what skills they need to develop
plan the steps needed to achieve the goal, both short and long term.
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